Colvard & Co.


Creative Services
Social Media
Website Development


Chris Bonacci
Cory Schnaible
Ron Harrity
Tim Blackstone

Branding for growth, without compromise

Customer journeys have a natural inflection point—that point where everything either falls into place, or falls apart. For freshly packaged meat, that point lives in retail, where packaging alone can mean the difference between success and failure.

When founding chef Carter Light and the team at Colvard and Co. reached out to Ethos, they were in the midst of executing a plan to transform what had once been a passion project (launched during Carter’s days as a highly acclaimed chef at the now-shuttered Coda) into… a bigger passion project. The challenge? With a focus on packaging, evolve the existing brand in a way that would allow for growth, without compromising the legacy of the project or product sourcing.

The Colvard team had carved out a powerful niche at the intersection of quality and innovation and needed a retail presentation that honored both. With grant funding in hand and a fickle channel audience, this was their only shot to introduce the brand, especially to wholesalers and retailers. Within days, fresh sausage was on its way to the Ethos offices, and we got to work.

Good food fuels the body. Great food feeds the soul. The best food awakens the spirit.

The work started with an immersion (our chance to hear from chef Carter and his small team in person), followed by an effort to distill that learning into a positioning that felt both relevant and true. In a landscape where sausage was sold on provenance or scale, Colvard and Co. brought something new to the table: a chef’s commitment to the idea that traditional food, flavored by inspiration, can bring joy.

With a name in place, we crafted new packaging and supporting messages that aimed to honor the passion of this team who spent their waking hours sourcing ingredients, layering flavors, and doing what they feel is right—all in pursuit of a moment of wonder, and of delight.

The results?